Salesperson / Estimator – Residential Construction Abacus Builders & General Contractors is a rapidly expanding construction company based in Boston. In the last few years, we have not only continued to grow our reputation for excellence but also evolved into a...
Proudly Supporting the Allied War Veterans Every year on March 17, the Irish and the Irish-at-heart across the globe observe St. Patrick’s Day. What began as a religious feast day for the patron saint of Ireland has become an international festival celebrating Irish...
Abacus Builders – a proud sponsor of the 2018 Saint Patrick’s Day Breakfast The not-for-profit South Boston St. Patricks’s Day Heritage Fund, Inc., was established to help plan, organize and defray production costs of the annual breakfast, ensuring...
The good news is home fires are on a downward trend as seen here in graphs from the U.S Fire Administrations website However, homes built in recent decades burn up to eight times faster than comparable homes built between 1950 and 1970. WHY?? Many factors are causing...
Proudly Supporting the Allied War Veterans Every year on March 17, the Irish and the Irish-at-heart across the globe observe St. Patrick’s Day. What began as a religious feast day for the patron saint of Ireland has become an international festival celebrating Irish...
Founded in 1997, the South Boston Collaborative Center provides information, referral and treatment services to the residents of South Boston and its surrounding neighborhoods. The Collaborative serves adults and adolescents, as well as provides services to youth at...